/* * jQuery Rebox [http://trentrichardson.com/examples/jQuery-Rebox] * By: Trent Richardson [http://trentrichardson.com] * * Copyright 2014 Trent Richardson * Dual licensed under the MIT license. * http://trentrichardson.com/Impromptu/MIT-LICENSE.txt */ (function($){ $.rebox = function($this, options){ this.settings = $.extend(true, {}, $.rebox.defaults, options); this.$el = $this; // parent container holding items this.$box = null; // the lightbox modal this.$items = null; // recomputed each time its opened this.idx = 0; // of the $items which index are we on this.enable(); }; $.rebox.defaults = { theme: 'rebox', // class name parent gets (for your css) selector: null, // the selector to delegate to, should be to the which contains an prev: '', // use an image, text, whatever for the previous button next: '', // use an image, text, whatever for the next button loading: '%', // use an image, text, whatever for the loading notification close: '×', // use an image, text, whatever for the close button speed: 400, // speed to fade in or out zIndex:9998, // zIndex to apply to the outer container cycle: true, // whether to cycle through galleries or stop at ends captionAttr: 'title', // name of the attribute to grab the caption from template: 'image', // the default template to be used (see templates below) templates: { // define templates to create the elements you need function($item, settings) image: function($item, settings, callback){ return $('').on('load',callback); } } }; $.rebox.setDefaults = function(options){ $.rebox.defaults = $.extend(true, {}, $.rebox.defaults, options); }; $.rebox.lookup = { i: 0 }; $.extend($.rebox.prototype, { enable: function(){ var t = this; return t.$el.on('click.rebox', t.settings.selector, function(e){ e.preventDefault(); t.open(this); }); }, open: function(i){ var t = this; // figure out where to start t.$items = t.settings.selector === null? t.$el : t.$el.find(t.settings.selector); if(isNaN(i)){ i = t.$items.index(i); } // build the rebox t.$box = $('').appendTo('body').css('zIndex',t.settings.zIndex).fadeIn(t.settings.speed) .on('click.rebox','.'+t.settings.theme +'-close', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); t.close(); }) .on('click.rebox','.'+t.settings.theme +'-next', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); t.next(); }) .on('click.rebox','.'+t.settings.theme +'-prev', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); t.prev(); }); // // alert(t.settings.theme) // $(t.settings.theme+"-content").wrap(function(){ // return "" // }); // add some key hooks $(document).on('swipeLeft.rebox', function(e){ t.next(); }) .on('swipeRight.rebox', function(e){ t.prev(); }) .on('keydown.rebox', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var key = (window.event) ? event.keyCode : e.keyCode; switch(key){ case 27: t.close(); break; // escape key closes case 37: t.prev(); break; // left arrow to prev case 39: t.next(); break; // right arrow to next } }); t.$el.trigger('rebox:open',[t]); t.goto(i); return t.$el; }, close: function(){ var t = this; if(t.$box && t.$box.length){ t.$box.fadeOut(t.settings.speed, function(e){ t.$box.remove(); t.$box = null; t.$el.trigger('rebox:close',[t]); }); } $(document).off('.rebox'); return t.$el; }, goto: function(i){ var t = this, $item = $(t.$items[i]), captionVal = $item.attr(t.settings.captionAttr), $cap = t.$box.children('.'+ t.settings.theme +'-caption')[captionVal?'show':'hide']().children('p').text(captionVal), $bi = t.$box.children('.'+ t.settings.theme +'-contents'), $img = null; if($item.length){ t.idx = i; $bi.html('
'+ t.settings.loading +'
'); $img = t.settings.templates[$item.data('rebox-template') || t.settings.template]($item, t.settings, function(content){ $bi.empty().append($(this)); }); if(t.$items.length == 1 || !t.settings.cycle){ t.$box.children('.'+ t.settings.theme +'-prev')[i<=0 ? 'hide' : 'show'](); t.$box.children('.'+ t.settings.theme +'-next')[i>=t.$items.length-1 ? 'hide' : 'show'](); } t.$el.trigger('rebox:goto',[t, i, $item, $img]); } return t.$el; }, prev: function(){ var t = this; return t.goto(t.idx===0? t.$items.length-1 : t.idx-1); }, next: function(){ var t = this; return t.goto(t.idx===t.$items.length-1? 0 : t.idx+1); }, disable: function(){ var t = this; return t.close().off('.rebox').trigger('rebox:disable',[t]); }, destroy: function(){ var t = this; return t.disable().removeData('rebox').trigger('rebox:destroy'); }, option: function(key, val){ var t = this; if(val !== undefined){ t.settings[key] = val; return t.disable().enable(); } return t.settings[key]; } }); $.fn.rebox = function(o) { o = o || {}; var tmp_args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); if (typeof(o) == 'string'){ if(o == 'option' && typeof(tmp_args[1]) == 'string' && tmp_args.length === 2){ var inst = $.rebox.lookup[$(this).data('rebox')]; return inst[o].apply(inst, tmp_args.slice(1)); } else return this.each(function() { var inst = $.rebox.lookup[$(this).data('rebox')]; inst[o].apply(inst, tmp_args.slice(1)); }); } else return this.each(function() { var $t = $(this); $.rebox.lookup[++$.rebox.lookup.i] = new $.rebox($t, o); $t.data('rebox', $.rebox.lookup.i); }); }; })(window.jQuery || window.Zepto || window.$);